Komunikaty PR

WEBCON chooses DOT Park in Kraków

2024-06-11  |  10:05
Biuro prasowe
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A new tenant of the DOT Park office complex is WEBCON, the leading provider of business process automation systems and low-code technology in Poland. The company has leased 1,615 m2 of state-of-the-art office space. Its headquarters will be on the 2nd floor of Building D. WEBCON is scheduled to move to the Kraków office park owned by Golden Star Group in October.

Since 2006 WEBCON has successfully built a leading position on the Polish market in low-code technology enabling the agile creation of business applications and document workflows. With the WEBCON BPS platform, clients achieve digital transformation by effectively digitizing even the most complex business processes. WEBCON has established a global presence with offices in Poland, Portugal and the United States, and cooperates with 73 partners who implement solutions on the WEBCON platform as part of an international channel network. The system is used by over 1,000 companies across five continents, including Polpharma, Mitsubishi Electric, Nowy Styl, LPP, and Pratt & Whitney Canada.

The company’s functionality and reputation have been recognized by global IT market analysts. WEBCON was the only Polish software provider featured in the Forrester Research report “Now Tech: Digital Process Automation,” among 43 leading providers of business process digitization technologies.

We are really proud to have such a renowned company as a tenant of DOT Park,” said Magdalena Ruta, Head of Asset Management at Golden Star Estate. “The lease signing shows that DOT Park provides excellent conditions for business growth for modern companies who value functionality and a comfortable workspace. I truly hope that the WEBCON team will feel at home at DOT Park, and the wide range of amenities offered by our complex will help them attract new talent and facilitate further business growth.

WEBCON will move into DOT Park from another Kraków office in October. Its new headquarters will be on the 2nd floor of Building D and cover 1,615 m2 of space. The lease term is five years. WEBCON was represented by JLL in the negotiation process.

Dagmara Rachwał, Head of the Administration and HR Department at WEBCON, explained: “Due to our dynamic growth, we were looking for a new space that would meet our needs with an increasing number of employees and our desire to offer our staff comfortable, top-notch workspace. We believe that DOT Park, which offers excellent transport links, ample catering and service outlets and the possibility to flexibly arrange the office space, will meet these requirements and allow us to create a unique space fostering cooperation and our organizational culture.”

DOT Park is a modern complex of A-class office buildings on ul. Czerwone Maki, in the southwestern part of Kraków, within the Kraków Technology Park special economic zone. The Golden Star Group’s portfolio includes five modern buildings (A–E) with a total lease area of over 44,000 m2. DOT Park offers comfortable space for business development and extremely flexible solutions for office space design, depending on the tenant’s needs.

DOT Park’s environment-friendly buildings have been designed according to sustainable construction principles. They deploy state-of-the-art technological and ecological solutions, backed by BREEAM certification. DOT Park is a multifunctional complex offering not only top-quality offices, over 1,100 parking spaces and a whole range of facilities for cyclists, but also numerous retail and service outlets and additional amenities for tenants. The project features carefully designed outdoor areas with lush greenery and numerous plantings, providing an ideal space to spend free time and unwind.

DOT Park is located within the Kraków Technology Park special economic zone, where tenants can do business on preferential terms. There are scientific and research units of Jagiellonian University in the neighbourhood, as well as international independent business institutions. The complex is conveniently accessible by public transport and private car. DOT Park is about 4 km from the Skawina junction of the Kraków express ring road, with exits from Kraków towards Balice airport, Katowice, Warsaw, Rzeszów or Zakopane. The Czerwone Maki transit hub is in the immediate vicinity of the complex, with a Park & Ride lot and a fast tram to the city centre. DOT Park is conveniently accessible by 10 bus lines and 5 tram lines.

Apart from WEBCON, the tenants of DOT Park include such companies as Shell and Ericsson.

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