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Helping Hand – a platform offering mental health support raises PLN 3 million

2021-11-25  |  12:20
Biuro prasowe
  • Israeli fund Welltech Ventures is the main investor of the latest financing round
  • Helping Hand to be presented at the Global Wellness Summit in Boston
  • The platform aims to enter foreign markets in 2022

Helping Hand is the first online platform in Poland with proprietary programmes, therapeutic content and the latest technological solutions that can be used both by people who seek psychological support and by psychologists and therapists providing such support. Helping Hand’s offer is addressed mainly to companies wishing to provide their employees with psychoeducation and self-therapy tools, as well as providing access to original videos and articles created by experienced psychologists and licensed therapists, enabling employees to benefit from individual online therapeutic sessions.

In the most recently completed round of financing, the project was supported by domestic and foreign investors. The main investor is the Israeli fund Welltech Ventures, a global leader in investing in developing enterprises from the Wellness and MedTech sectors. Part of the funds raised will be used to create original English-language content to reach users in foreign markets. The company already provides services for international companies in Polish and English.

‘Welltech Ventures supports companies that address issues related to different areas of health and well-being, while creating modern and innovative solutions in this area. This is exactly how Helping Hand operates, thus meeting each and every of our investment criteria. We are extremely pleased to add to our portfolio a platform  that democratises access to psychological care and psychoeducation, and supports mental health of employees and their families,’ says Amir Alroy, Co-founder of the Welltech Ventures investment fund.

Fund-raising to develop the Helping Hand platform coincided with an extremely important event, not only for the company itself, but also for the entire Wellness and WellTech industry. Helping Hand is the only company from Poland that has been invited to participate in this year’s edition of the Global Wellness Summit, one of the most important international meetings in this sector. The conference will be held from 30 November to 3 December 2021 in Boston under the theme ‘A New Era in Health & Wellness’.

I am honoured to have the opportunity at this year’s Global Wellness Summit to introduce Helping Hand, a platform offering online psychological support, to a wider audience in a session moderated by Amir Alroy and Galit Horovitz, founders of Welltech Ventures. It will not only serve as a chance to start international expansion, but also as an opportunity to speak on such a key issue today: employers’ care for employees’ mental health,’ says Bernard Gołko, President of the Management Board in the company managing the Helping Hand platform.

According to the report ‘Mental health in the work environment’, nearly 50% of surveyed employees say that the pandemic has had a negative impact on their well-being, and nearly 60% would like guidance from their employer on managing stress and greater mental wellness. They also believe employers have a responsibility to put programmes in place to care for the mental health of their employees. The importance of this issue has also been recognised by employers themselves, who included caring for the well-being of their employees in their ESG strategy, and the innovative platform Helping Hand has become an increasingly popular tool used by human resource departments.

About Helping Hand

Helping Hand is a mental health support platform that leverages modern technology solutions. Platform users can anonymously access over 100 educational videos and articles created by experienced psychologists and licensed therapists, self-therapy tools, webinars and interactive meetings with experts (such as chats and private messages). They may also choose individual consultations with psychologists and online therapy. There are over 100 psychologists and therapists registered on the app. Helping Hand’s offer is primarily aimed at companies wishing to provide psychological support to their employees and their families. The expanded B2B module is based on a cafeteria system, enabling the employer to freely manage and control the budget allocated for employee support. This is the only such solution available in Poland.

The platform is managed by an experienced team of experts in health, employee benefits, digital solutions and modern technologies. The management board of the company that owns the platform includes Bernard Gołko, President of the Management Board and Chief Digital Officer, and Aleksandra Tokarewicz, who leads Product and Sales. The work of 40 psychologists and licensed therapists who create the platform’s original content and therapeutic programmes is supervised by Milena Grela-Parandyk, a psychologist and therapist with many years of experience.

In October 2021, Helping Hand received the ‘Eagle of Innovation’ in the category ‘Common Good Solution’ in a competition organised for innovative companies by the daily Rzeczpospolita.

Read more about Helping Hand at www.hh24.pl

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